My Story – Krystal M

At the age of 13 I was approached online by a man who was 19. After speaking for a couple of weeks he convinced me to meet up with him. Even on the first “date” things became sexual. He told me “oh wow you’re even younger than my ex” his ex being a 13 year old child he travelled to London to meet, he recalled that she was sick from school so he snuck into her flat whilst her mum was at worked at raped took her virginty. She was just turned 13.

He travelled all over meeting up with children under the name “Dejan” I dread to think how many children he groomed.

This man continued to abuse me for 17 years, being from an abusive household I was completely vulnerable and he was able to mold me into whatever he wanted.

I tried to leave at least 7 times, each time he would tell me that I was “having a mental health episode” each time he would lure me back on the promise he would change. He didn’t.

When I left at the age of thirty he told me he would kill himself, he didn’t it was just his way of trying to regain control.

He now controls me financially and through family court, he fails to declare income thinking he’s getting away with it, he’s not.

The police consider his actions historic despite 3 other girls reporting him for grooming them.

I will speak him name publicly, in time. He won’t get away with this and I promise one day the world will know what he is.

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