My Story – Megan

House Rules

In my aunts house there are several rules even outside of the house there are rules. Here are a few of them. I had a routine every day. Wake up and put away my air mattress and blankets. Press start on the coffee that I had put together the night before. My aunt liked her coffee with 3 Splenda and whipped cream on the top. She would get up and go sit on the couch infront of the tv and wait for me to bring it to her. I’d bring it with her medication and sometimes I’d also heat up a pasty for her as well. Then I would wipe down the counters in the kitchen including the stove and microwave then I would sweep the floor and take out the trash and recycling. Next was the bathroom. The toilet the sink the countertops and mirrors as well as sweeping. Then dusting and vacuuming the front room. In my aunts house it is the law that you clean every single day. We must have gone through 5 vacuum cleaners just from running them every day. If I didn’t wipe the counter down to her liking I would get my face shoved into it. On some days she would focus on the deeper cleaning that meant lifting up the couches and cleaning under them as well as wiping down the leather getting a rag and cleaning the window blinds one by one. Going through Cupboards and throwing out any Miscellaneous items that are taking up too much room my aunt had a saying that would go “am I sponsoring lays potato chips no I’m not getting paid for an endorsement from them so I don’t wanna see that **** on my counter” Wiping down the inside and outside of the fridge as well as the trash cans. My aunt had a history with an eating disorder she believes that a person is not to have three meals in a day she believes you are only supposed to have one big meal in the day and that is at dinner time it’s only acceptable to eat in the daytime if it’s a small snack. My aunt would not allow me to take a shower longer than 5 minutes before screaming or knocking on the door to turn the water off. I was not allowed to wash my clothes on my own I had wait until they all went to wash their clothes and I had to go and collect everyone’s dirty clothes hampers and load them into the car with all of the laundry soaps and dryer sheets and if I forgot something I’d be in trouble. I was not allowed to say I’m tired now and then go lay down and go to bed my aunt Had another phrase that would go like “what do you think this is the Holiday Inn..get up!!“ then she would make me stay awake until she herself was ready to go to bed even if that was 2 am and I had work the next day. I was expected to be awake and cleaning the house before the rest of the house was awake and if I made any noise I would be screamed at and Ostracized for hours later in the day. My aunt would not allow me to take my shoes off and walk around the house in my socks so from morning til night even on work days I had to wear my shoes on my feet and I developed a foot Oder because my feet had been sweating all day and I wasn’t allowed any point in time to take them off and air them out and because of this Oder I would get screamed at and made fun of yet I also wasn’t allowed to take showers every day like everyone else in the house even if I took a shower on Monday and waited until Wednesday to ask to take another shower I would get told no because I had just had one. I also had to ask permission to bathe every single time I needed a shower and I had been living there for years and no one else had to ask permission to use the shower. I would get made fun of for having dandruff in my hair and a bad smell to my body. I would get told that I’m disgusting and criticized for not taking care of myself. My aunt allowed no down time there was never any sitting down and just relaxing she believed that was lazy if we watched tv it was with her and it was what she wanted to watch and when she wanted to turn the tv off that was it no more tv. She would even tell me that if I were alone and she was gone that she would come and check the tv to feel if it’s warm to know if i had turned it on when she wasn’t around and she let me know there would be a consequence. My aunts punishments included cleaning out the garbage cans with a water hose some soap and a scrub brush as well as getting a shovel and going along the side of the house and knocking weeds out of the cracks in the side walk as well as sweeping the curb infront of the house. She would either verbally and or physically attack or she would Ostracize you from the entire household and mock you with them as a group. She is probably the biggest schoolyard bully a person could ever come across. My aunt had so many multiple personalities that it was like walking on bombs you never knew if when you moved slightly one of them would go off. She was very particular about sitting on the couches as well. If she saw me sitting she would say that I’m going to ruin her couches so I started sitting on the chairs instead and even the floor. She noticed that I was doing that and told me “I know what you’re doing and you think you’re so smart to one up me.” When my cousins weren’t around she would tell me “don’t think that you can go and make friends with your cousins and get them to like you so that they will protect you from me I’ll mess with you when they’re around and when they’re not around.. I’ll mess with you right in front of their faces you can’t escape me but I see how you think that you’re smart like that.” My aunt told me that she would murder me even if it meant that she would get caught for murder and have to go to jail she told me that if that happened she would be in jail sleeping like a baby. My aunt told me that if I ever tried to tell anybody the truth about her that she would tell them that I am mentally unstable and she did the best that she could to try to help me but that I just lost it and took a knife and tried to attack HER. My aunt would not allow me to wear my hair down only at the house as soon as we left the house she would make me put my hair up one time she came into the store I was working at and I had taken my hair down while at work and as soon as we walked out the front door she started attacking me for having my hair down and started calling me vain. She would make me come and stand in front of her an exam my outfit before I left the house and if she didn’t like it she would make fun of it and then tell me to go change. My aunt is a sadistic narcissistic abuser Who would often try to use quotes from the Bible to shame me and tell me that I was a sinful bad person my aunt also would get on her hands and knees by her bedside and pray every single night and then get up every single day abuse me as well as go out into several different stores and shoplift. My aunt would be so loving and kind to my cousins and treat them like gold then behind their back‘s when they weren’t around she would badmouth them to me and make fun of them because she knew that I would never rat her out because if I did then she would punish me severely for it and chances are that my cousins wouldn’t believe me and they would take her side because she was always so nice to them. It wasn’t just my cousins I had seen her do this too she would go around to several other relatives and act as if she were on their side and then she would go talk to the other relative that they were having a problem with and she would be in their face as if she were on their side ..she very often like to insert herself in family matters that weren’t any of her business she would create tension and conflict between other relatives and then stand back and watch. One time my aunt forced me to pull my pants down in front of her and show her my underwear just so that she could prove to me that I was dirty. She would Make me open up my bank account and read what I had been purchasing. If she felt angry with me she would tell me my rent went up and I now owe her $100 to $200 more. When time to pay came. Which was weekly. I would give her what she asked for and then she would hand me back $60 and say “ see I’m not evil if i was so bad I would keep all of it for myself “ My aunt tried to dehumanize me any opportunity that she could yet I guarantee you the story that she told everyone was that she just tried her best to help me and provide me with a Home guidance and love. Instead She provided me with several years worth of a very expensive therapy bill. All of this is domestic violence and I’m breaking my silence.

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