A couple years ago my ex who I thought I was safe with turned into this super scary guy and started doing crazy things to me and one day he took me to a very far town away from my home and then he came out from another room and hit me so fast and hard that he ended up breaking 9 bones in my face crushing the left side of my face and my jaw was also snapped off on one side and they put me in emergency surgery putting 16 screws to hold my face together that I have to keep in forever, I was in the hospital for two months recovering then I found a way back home and got away from him he married someone else a few months after my surgery and I have had to handle constant medical problems cause I’m also a type 1 diabetic so I have stress in my life always but I thank God everyday I was able to get far away from that guy. And the picture I drew was a picture of me taking a look at myself and realizing my scars are there for others to see that I made it and I hope everyone is able to feel like they are not all alone thank you for listening
Surviving Domestic Abuse: A True Story of Escaping Violence and Finding Freedom
By Survivor I met a guy online, he seemed like the perfect guy for me so understanding and loving, I fell head over heels. It didn’t take long before I realized he wasn’t what he seemed. Anytime I didn’t do or say what he wanted he would belittle me and...