
Not once, but twice

This is my story, not once but twice. I have been in two abusive relationships, my first one was with my daughters father. I was with him for 6 years. I left when my daughter was 2. The first two years were great. Then it started little by little. He would come home late, after work drunk, the first time he hit me he had pinned me up against the wall, and asked how I wanted him to, after he choked me, and punched me he turned me around and had his way with me. It continued to get worse from then on. I was dragged by the car, I was burned on my skin all over, he though it was funny. There are so
Many moments I wish I couldn’t remember the flash backs are horrible. I suffered 3 miscarriages, while being a abused, I felt so alone. The last time he put his hands on me, my daughter was watching, that’s the night I decided to leave, he was calling me a worthless fat b… and throwing me all around I called the cops. That night I didn’t have enough “marks” to throw him back in jail. I waited until he fell asleep. I packed my daughter and myself up
With our back packs and left I never looked back.

I didn’t date for 7 years after. I mean I had flings, but I was emotionally broken. I was numb. I started going to group, with casda. I started. I had met someone. I was with this person for two years. Everything was great. I moved in ( I was struggling being a single mom) thinking this was the best answer. Right after I moved in the abuse started, physically and emotionally. This person I guess is a narcissist. I never even knew what one was. This person love bombed me by using my child. I thought they were so amazing. Anyway again the abuse started. Nothing I did was good enough. I would defend myself it lead me to get hit, thrown, and attacked not just physically but emotionally again to. This time I left 3 months after it started. I am so mad at myself for trusting someone again, for not only myself but my daughter. Right now we have nothing. Literally nothing. I know I did it once I can do it again, but I don’t know how I will ever be able to heal.

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