
My story- Aubrey W

In 2018 I met my first husband, our relationship started off great, however we moved very quickly. The first incident 3 months into our relationship, I found him talking to other girls, he shook me around by my hair. He immediately apologized, I told myself it would never happen again. Shortly I became pregnant, he […]

My Story Bessie

Hello my name is Bessie Williams . I have been through a lot . I have chiari malformation and lupus .. All I want to do is to get my story out for someone can understand what I’ve been through and to help me . I been thru so much in life to the point […]

Breaking the Silence: A Survivor’s Story of Escaping Domestic Violence

In early 2018, I experienced domestic violence firsthand for the first time. This was life altering, scary, heartbreaking, confusing. And still, I stayed. In late November/early December of 2018, I became pregnant. When I found out I thought of all of the ways I could share this exciting and amazing news with my partner. While […]

Recognizing the Signs of Sexual Narcissism in Relationships

In the realm of sexual behaviors, it’s important to be vigilant for specific indicators. Sexual narcissists have a tendency to initiate intimate relationships using their charm, a barrage of flattering remarks, and an overflow of affection. These individuals may accelerate the pace of sexual intimacy, often going to great extremes to prioritize their partner’s satisfaction […]

My Story- Mireia

I will cut a long story as short as possible. I say it’s a long story, because, like all people who are abused, it reaches back to childhood. One of my primary care givers, my mother, was a domineering and controlling woman and my father left her, and me and my brother. She played my […]

From Victim to Accused: My Story of Surviving Domestic Violence

I was the victim of domestic violence for over 5 years. After being physically abused on a regular basis, I gathered the courage to tell a few friends and family members about the abuse, which was being perpetrated by my own wife. I always had bruises on my face, cuts and bite marks on my […]

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