
Survivor but still surviving…

So when we say we are survivors, we are implying that we have conquered every strike, every shove, every bruise, every antagonistic word, every silent night of just tears, and the US transforming into the hero that saved us!

The Autism Spectrum and Abuse

By trying to raise awareness of the Autism spectrum, especially how it relates to abuse, I am hoping to help others avoid the decades of confusion I experienced when trying to come to terms with the abuse I suffered.

Sabotaged: How Abuse Can Trigger Body Image Issues and Eating Disorders

Abuse often violates our bodies and free will. What happens when trauma responses cause us not only to disassociate to cope but also use food or a lack of it it to bring comfort or a sense of control back to our lives? What happens when self-hatred causes abuse to continue from within? It’s time to love the person staring back in the mirror.

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