
Survivor Story: She Survived an Attack That Left Her Fearing for Her Life

Submitted by: Nicole, Survivor Gaslighting is a tactic that abusers use to manipulate their victims and cause them to doubt their perception of reality. This enables the abuser to gain and keep control over their victim, who will no longer be able to trust their objectivity but will also, despite all evidence to the contrary, […]

Survivor Story: As the Abuse Escalated, She Slowly Lost Herself

Submitted by: *Amber, Survivor Survivors of domestic violence do not go into a relationship expecting to be abused. Even when they have helped others leave an abusive partner, they may not recognize the signs of abuse in time to help themselves. Over time, the effects of abuse and shame and isolation become more difficult to […]

Survivor Story: Abuse Was Just “A Part of Life”

Submitted by: Dawn, Survivor Survivors of child abuse and childhood domestic violence are at higher risk of being abused in romantic relationships as teens and adults. The presence of any abuse in the home conditions them to view abuse in personal relationships as normal, even acceptable. Survivor Dawn shares with us how the normalization of […]

Survivor Story: We All Share Responsibility to Help Teens Affected by Abuse

Written by: Christine Miller It is not uncommon for survivors to exit an abusive relationship and be unable to come to terms with the trauma they experienced. For some of us, the desire to put it behind us and move forward with our life might lead us to convince ourselves that what happened to us […]

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