
I Still Have the Scars but I Will Always Wear Them with Pride

Criminal harassment, forcible confinement, assault, gaslighting, manipulation, psychological abuse are all terms that I had come across in my life. They were terms that I was familiar with on a need-to-know basis. As it turns out, I did not know enough about any of them until I somehow landed smack dab in the middle of it all.

Survivor Story: He Stalked Me and Tried to Kill Me After I Left

Submitted by: *Nancy, Survivor As noted by the National Domestic Violence Hotline, the presence of firearms in homes where domestic violence occurs increases the risk of fatality by 500 percent. Guns are often used by abusers to threaten and intimidate their victims, and, unfortunately, also in domestic violence murder. Some prior victims of violent crimes […]

Survivor Story: She Survived an Assault That Required Reconstructive Surgery

Submitted by: *Patricia, Survivor Children who grow up in homes with domestic violence are at increased risk of abuse and neglect. Additionally, the on-going trauma in the home extensively affects the children’s mental and physical health. Victims often report that leaving an abuser or seeking out safer living arrangements is heavily influenced by a need […]

Survivor Story: I Was Forced to Give Up My Pets When I Left

Written by: Kenna, Survivor Many survivors face the heartbreaking decision of leaving an abuser or staying because they fear for their pets’ safety. Increasing numbers of shelters and cooperating agencies are expanding services for victims in crisis that include sheltering pets. Unfortunately, these programs are still not available in many areas, and pets are often […]

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