
“Unveiling the Shadows: My Journey Through Teen Dating Abuse”

I am a sophomore in high school from Texas. My abuse happened during my freshman year when I was only fourteen years old.In July 2022, I met someone- let’s call her Evi- and fell in love with her. I introduced her to my best friend and my current partner, who wishes to stay anonymous, and […]

Teen Dating Violence; Is Generation Z the Game Changer? By Alexis Bien

We live in a very technologically advanced world, meaning less physical and verbal connections, andmore remote forms of communication. The generations nowadays don’t have the same experiences wehad as pre-teens and teenagers. I can remember getting a note passed to me in 6th grade, from myfriends, while changing classes that read, “Do you want to […]

Letter to my 19-year-old self

Dear 19-year-old me: This is 38-year-old me. I have come from the future and I have some things to share with you. You are beautiful, smart, kind, sweet, and joyful. I know you walk to work now, but one day you will drive a new car. You are going to be the mother of two […]

Consent by Victoria Tatum

As Valentine’s Day passes, we often think about couples holding hands, kissing, and going on dates. There is one key component that must not be forgotten: consent. Without consent, these seemingly cute ideas can take a quick, dark turn. Learning to speak up for yourself as an adult when you haven’t throughout your whole life […]

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