
“Surviving Domestic Abuse: My Relationship with a Police Officer”

I am 28 years old. I was in a three year relationship with a police officer who was also in the military . After the police academy he became angry. When he drank he became more angry and abusive. He had weapons in the house he would constantly threaten me with. We had no children […]

“Surviving the Unthinkable: My Journey Through Domestic Violence”

GUILTY OF (DV) ABUSING ME & I COUNT VICTIM’S IMPACT STATEMENT Effects of the Crime & Recommendations for Sentencing The crime for which the defendant was sentenced affected me psychologically, mentally, emotionally, and financially. The physical injuries from this event have healed, but the fear and the injuries done to me psychologically still remain. I […]

My Story- Caitlin

It always starts small, little things that you almost don’t notice. Mine started with my friends, him figuring out which of my friends was the most supportive and slowly cutting them out, using stories I had told about them and twisting them into something I should hate them for. Then it was my family, why […]

My Story- Belinda

I married a man whom I was engaged to when I was 19 years old. It had been 30 years since we broke up. He found me on Google Plus and emailed me. My Father was dying and I was vulnerable. I accepted his request to get reacquainted. Long story short. (I’m a Jersey girl) […]

My Story- Colleen

I was in an abusive relationship for 2 years from 2018-2020 where I was assaulted countless of times. I had never experienced domestic violence before and had a hard time registering it in my head as abuse during the relationship from the constant brain wash, gaslighting and manipulation tactics he used. I felt a sense […]

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