
Creating a Digital Safety Plan

There is no perfect way to leave an abuser; the important thing is, whatever path you take, navigate your safety as well as you can. Creating a safety plan for how you appear on various social media sites is a vital step in creating that safety. Social media can do so many wonderful things… other things, […]

A Letter to the Woman Trapped in a Toxic Relationship

By Chyna Snell It’s a time of solemnity. We are gathered here today to mourn the loss of your dearly beloved vision. The one of a better tomorrow that never seems to come. That persistent mirage, ever present on the horizon of this dry desert land that you have walked for far too long in […]

Breaking My Silence Against Domestic Violence

By Elizabeth Billingsley Hello everyone! My name is Elizabeth Billingsley. I am an RN in Oklahoma City and a writer. I want to tell you my story. I met a wonderful man named Jeff in October 2009. We connected instantly and became fast friends. Friendship turned into romance three months later and the rest was […]

Recognizing the Red Flags

By Jamey Sheesley Red flags are alerts that go off in your gut or brain when someone is not right. It is your body trying to warn you to proceed with caution or get away immediately. Red flags are often easy to blow off or ignore, but there are many reasons why you should not […]

What is a Lethality Assessment?

By Rebecca Lynn According to the NACDV, 72 percent of all murder-suicides involve an intimate partner. However, this percentage is created by the number of reports made to public records, which is thought to be mostly under-reported. Depending on the city, murder-suicides aren’t always recorded with specific information, such as the relationship or history of […]

Recovering From Isolation

By Rebecca Lynn According to Speak Out Loud, isolation is a tactic abusers use to weaken and control their victims. When the victim is isolated from outside influences, their belief and acceptance in the abuser grows stronger. Isolation occurs over time, through a variety of hidden tactics that start out subtle and increase in frequency. […]

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