Rediscovering Yourself After Domestic Abuse: A Journey of Healing and Empowerment.

By Iris Pendleton Acknowledging Your Trauma The first step in reclaiming your identity is acknowledging the trauma you have endured. Seeking therapy can provide a safe space to process your experiences and emotions. Professional support is essential for navigating the complex feelings that often arise after leaving an abusive relationship. Reconnecting Through Journaling One powerful […]

The Role of Faith and Spirituality in Healing from Domestic Violence.

Domestic violence is a serious moral and spiritual concern. The behaviors and crimesviolate the dignity of human beings and the basic moral principles we’re all taught duringchildhood. Religious practices can not only promote healing in the world but justice andmutuality as well. Faith communities can play a massive role in providing support forvictims of domestic […]

The Impact of Domestic Violence on Pregnancy: Risks, Prevalence, and Consequences.

Pregnancy-related domestic violence is a serious public health issue. While there’s a growingamount of research on the subject, there are still plenty of unanswered questions regarding theprevalence of the type of victimization, the risk factors associated, and the consequences. In astudy published by the Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakistan, theyinterviewed […]

There Goes My Hero: Sins of a DV Father

While we tend to focus on the survivors of domestic violence, we also need toremember the aftereffects of a child who witnesses their parents going through it. That’sthe worst, but what makes it the worst is who was involved, not meaning just the onephysically or verbally abused, but the kid (and I will use “kid”, […]

Understanding Male Victims of Domestic Abuse: Challenging Social Stigmas.

What does it look like when our physically strongest individuals experience trauma atthe hands of an abuser? What standards do we have to operate by when the victim ofdomestic violence is nearly three hundred pounds, and the perpetrator is only half ofthat body weight? The questions worth answering consist of how men feel before,during, and […]

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