Survivor Story: Her Life Became a Prison

Submitted by: Nicole, Survivor It is not uncommon for abuse to start or escalate during pregnancy or after the baby is born. Children who grow up witnessing domestic violence often have chronic issues with trauma, stress, and fear in addition to insomnia, self-harm and mental health issues, and behavioral, motor, communication, and cognitive issues. In […]

Survivor Story: Enduring Over Six Years of Mental Abuse Broke Her Down

Written by: Melinda, Survivor Like man survivors, Melinda has been asked why she stayed. There is never a simple answer, because, for many of us, there are often several circumstances that lead us to stay with an abuser. Survivor Melinda shares with us how more than six years of mental and physical abuse affected her […]

Survivor Story: She Was Sexually Abused As a Child

Written by: *Whitney, Survivor According to RAINN, approximately 93% of child sexual abuse victims under age 18 are abused by someone they know. The perpetrators of these crimes can be a close family member or friend, a teacher, coach, doctor, or many other possibilities. The children enduring the abuse are often told to keep it […]

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