Narcissists and Relationships
Once is Too Many Times
Most relationships don’t start off with physical abuse. Often the first sign is subtly
The Prevalence of Domestic Violence: Statistics for both female victims and male victims of domestic violenceÂ
Types of Domestic Violence Domestic violence is a term used for abusive behaviors used
Review: No Ordinary Love
In November 2020, only a few months after leaving the abusive relationship, I drove
Reaching Out
Reaching Out : What to do when someone you know is in a Domestic
The Forgotten Impact: The effects of domestic violence on friends and family
Domestic violence and its effects can spread through the victim and their loved ones
A Gun in the Hands of an Abuser
The second amendment grants the constitutional right to bear arms. Is there a point
Empowering Survivors
Far too frequently women throughout the world become the victims of domestic violence. Some
When time can’t heal your wound…Â
People always say it will get better with time, but that is not always
Building Supportive Communities: How we can all help to end domestic violence Â
While you are getting ready for work with the news on, you see domestic
Hidden Traumas
Domestic violence (DV) can affect anyone of all races, genders, age, and sexual orientation.