
“Surviving Domestic Abuse: My Relationship with a Police Officer”

I am 28 years old. I was in a three year relationship with a police officer who was also in the military . After the police academy he became angry. When he drank he became more angry and abusive. He had weapons in the house he would constantly threaten me with. We had no children together just dogs. He did force me to get an abortion when I became pregnant by him even though he said he wanted a child with me. He would choke me, beat me , punch me ,scratch me , throw me into the closet door, into the walls, throw me on the ground and dig his knee into my ribs so I couldnt breath or yell for help. Would take my phone and keys. I couldnt go out or see family members or friends. He had to have all my passwords and log ins to my phone and social media any notification that would come to my phone he programmed to get sent to his as well . He need my location at all times to track me. When I would get paid he would take my whole check and would leave me with just enough for gas to get to and from work. The house was in his name but he took all my money for the bills, maxed out my credit card and took a loan out in my name. When I was finally able to get away I was left with $35 to my name and no where to live I currently sleep from friend to friends houses on their couches for a place to live an my safety. we did go to court and everything got dismissed against him I still have furniture and clothes in his house that Ive paid for and belong to me, I just wanted to get my story out for anyone that is going through something similar and for help I was left with nothing and barely survive living pay check to pay check. It’s been so hard and I haven’t been myself since.

“Surviving Domestic Abuse: My Relationship with a Police Officer”

break the silence against domestic violence

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